Mechanical Engineering Students from the “Džemal Bijedić” University visit Alfa Therm
Senior students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the “Džemal Bijedić” University in Mostar, visited Alfa Therm accompanied by Dean Edin Šunje and Senior Assistant Damir Špago.
The brief introduction about Alfa Therm and the internship/employment opportunities presented by Nikica Vučina, our HR Manager, was followed by inspiring stories from these young engineers.
We thank the Management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for their cooperation and the opportunity to present students with the possibilities for internships and jobs at Alfa Therm.
Our employee, Emir Bebanić, a former student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, briefly explained to the students what a young engineer does at Alfa Therm and what his personal development journey in our team looked like. Our scholarship recipient, Ajla Graho, a fifth-year student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (second year of the master’s program), also shared her experience with the internship and working in our team with the students.
After the brief presentation and personal stories from our employees, the students toured the Alfa Therm premises to experience the working atmosphere and the business environment in which our employees operate.
We thank the Management of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for their cooperation and the opportunity to present students with the possibilities for internships and jobs at Alfa Therm.

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